Upcoming Local Events

Please submit your upcoming training events and interesting CBT related article to

Schema Therapy Training Course Part 2
5th to 8th November 2023    

Days 4 – 6 of a 6 day course
The course is offered online

Workshop times and program
Day 0 (Sunday 5th November): 16:00-18:00 (2 hours)     
Attachment theory and schema modes.
Day 4 (Monday 6th November): 9:00-18:00  (6 hours)          
Trauma and borderline personality disorder.  Ethical issues in working with personality disorders.
Day 5 (Tuesday 7th November): 9:00-18:00  (6 hours)
1) Working with the relationship: Setting limits and therapist triggering; 2) Narcissistic and cluster C personality disorders.               
Day 6 (Wednesday 8th November): 9:00-18:00  (6 hours)
1) Behavioural pattern breaking;  2) Other applications of schema therapy.

Each day, there is a half hour break in the morning and again in the afternoon and a 2-hour break at lunch time. 

The workshop includes several experiential training exercises as specified by the ISST.

Cost: R5500 Early bird before 30th September 2023: R5000

Presented by Professor David Edwards Registered as a Clinical Psychologist with the HPCSA, Diplomate and Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, Certified as a Schema Therapist and trainer by the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST). Former President of the ISST. Assisted by Dr Chantal Bowker Renton ISST certified Advanced Schema Therapist

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Course
Starting 20 February – Mondays 18:00 – 20:00pm

DBT is a well-researched (27years) and evidence based therapy (it has been shown to work!) for individuals
who experience extreme and intense emotions. The emphasis of DBT sessions is on learning skills to handle
emotional trauma.

The DBT course will take place at:


Suite 505, Equinox Building
156 Main Road
Sea Point

Workshops to be presented by
Daniel Rabinowitz


International Course Certified Member (DBT) – Advanced Associate Member (REBT/CBT)



Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

MBCT starting

MBCT starting Wednesday 8 February

What are the details of the Cape Town MBCT programme?

In Cape Town, the MBCT course runs for 8 consecutive weeks on a Wednesday in the conference room at St. Michaels Church in Ronderbosch. The evening sessions begin at 5:30pm and are about 2 – 2.5 hours duration. There is also a Saturday session from 9am-3pm, which is between the 6th and 7th sessions. The course is a 30 hour intervention and it costs R5900 (which includes all tuition and materials). This amount is redeemable from most medical aids and payment plans are available. 

Who teaches MBCT in Cape Town : 

Matthew Watkin is a registered clinical psychologist and mindfulness teacher. Since 2006 he has worked as a psychotherapist in private practise. His practise focuses primarily on individual psychotherapy with adolescents and adults with stress, anxiety and mood dysregulation. He is also involved in training groups in the public and private sectors using mindfulness-based approaches. His Masters thesis explored the factors underpinning change in people practising mindfulness. After graduation, in 2003, he completed an internship in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction at the Centre for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre. Since his return to South Africa in 2004 he has facilitated the standard 8 –week mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) programs for stress, mood and anxiety disorders. He is a director and founding member of the South African Institute for Mindfulness (IMISA). His primary interests include the application of mindfulness in mood and anxiety disorders, stress management, emotion regulation and performance. 

Next Steps?

If you would like to know more about this work, you are welcome to make contact directly at 021-6855775 or email or please visit If one is interested in participating in the next course, then the next step is to arrange for a brief meeting (no charge).

Workshops to be presented by

Matthew Watkin (MA. Clin. Psy. Rhodes)
Clinical psychologist and mindfulness teacher 


Beth Cooper Howell Proof reader/copy editor

Contributions by
Prof David Edwards
Dr Linda Blokland
Matthew Watkin
Edgar Tyrone
Bertus Swanepoel
Dr Shane Pienaar-Du Bruyn